+ 65 6639 1245

Travel with peace of mind. Our travel insurance products allow you to travel the world in complete freedom, knowing you have the most comprehensive coverage. Be it for a short trip or extended family holiday, single-journey or annual coverage; allowing for multiple trips, you can choose from our wide range of travel related products and services.

^ Terms & Conditions apply

Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, Brunei, Laos, Myanmar (All claims will be paid in Singapore)
Zone 1, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Macau, Maldives, Bangladesh, India, Mongolia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela
 Zone 1, Zone 2, Australia, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Nepal, Tibet and the rest of the world (excluding Afghanistan, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Sudan and Syria)

Frequently Asked Questions

A Family Per Trip Plan is for 1 or 2 adults travelling with any number of children. The 2 adults need not be related but each child must be legally related to either of the adults. The family must depart and return to Singapore together.
Annual Multi-Trip Plan is for frequent travellers. It provides coverage for unlimited number of Overseas Trip made within the Policy year, provided that each Trip does not exceed 90 consecutive days. We have an Individual Annual Multi-Trip Plan and also a Family Annual Multi Trip Plan. The Family Annual Multi-Trip Plan is for 2 adults that are legally married as husband and wife with any number of children legally related to one or both of the adults..

A Child or Children shall mean an unmarried person or persons not older than 18 years
of age or below 23 years of age if enrolled for full-time study in a recognized institution of
learning or higher learning during the Policy period. For Family Per-trip Plan, the Child
must be legally related to either of the 2 insured adults and unemployed. For Family
Annual Multi-Trip Plan, the Child must be the natural or legal adopted Child of the 2
insured adults who are legally married to each other and the Child must be dependent on
either or both of them for financial support and travelling with one or both of them on the
entire Trip.

  • For Per Trip Policy: 182 consecutive days
  • For Annual Multi-Trip Policy: 90 consecutive days for each overseas trip

All coverage commences on departure from Singapore, except for the following: Accidental Death & Permanent Disablement (Section 15) coverage commences 3 hours before You leave Your permanent place of residence or office for a direct journey to the place of embarkation in Singapore.

Travel Cancellation (Section 18) and/or Travel Postponement (Section 19) coverage commences 60 days before the departure date or the policy issuance date, whichever is later. Section 20 coverage commences from the policy issuance date. But provided always that policy was purchased at least 3 days prior the departure date.

Natural disaster; epidemic or pandemic as declared by the World Health Organization; civil unrest resulting in cancellation of scheduled Common Carrier services; any event leading to airspace or multiple airport closure.
A policy can be extended for up to 72 hours after expiry of the policy without you paying additional premium to us if for example due to Natural disaster; epidemic or pandemic situation, civil unrest, airport or airspace closure, etc and you are not able to contact and notify us to extend the policy.
No refund of premium is allowed once the Policy is issued.
Any loss, injury or damage arising from:

  • Any Pre-existing Medical Condition
  • You participating in Extreme Sports or Sporting Activities
  • When You are not fit to travel or travelling against the advice of a Medical Practitioner
  • AIDS; mental and nervous disorders; suicide or self-inflicted injury
  • Pregnancy or childbirth (except Section 3 and Section 7)

We will not cover any travel in, to, or through Afghanistan, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Sudan or Syria.

Important Notes : This information is for reference only and is not a contract of insurance. Full details of the policy terms and conditions can be found in the policy contract.

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